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Home Stay - Stay Alive Dual Audio Hindi Dubbed Movie


Home Stay - Stay Alive Dual Audio Hindi Dubbed Movie

Martyr’sparents were troop entertainersby Humra QuraishiTHREE deaths have left adepressing dent this week. The arrival of CaptainHaneefuddin’s body, 44 days after he was shot in theTurtuk sector put an end to all speculations that hecould have been alive and the media turned its attentionto the grieving mother and his two brothers, staying in amiddle class East Delhi apartment building, Kala Vihar.Probings reveal that bothHaneefuddin’s mother Hema and his deceased fatherAziz had earlier worked for the Song & Drama Divisionand that’s the place they had initially met andmarried.

THREE deaths have left adepressing dent this week. The arrival of CaptainHaneefuddin’s body, 44 days after he was shot in theTurtuk sector put an end to all speculations that hecould have been alive and the media turned its attentionto the grieving mother and his two brothers, staying in amiddle class East Delhi apartment building, Kala Vihar.Probings reveal that both Haneefuddin’s mother Hemaand his deceased father Aziz had earlier worked for theSong & Drama Division and that’s the place theyhad initially met and married. And in the ’60s thiscouple had been part of those troupes which had travelledto the border areas, performing for our troops posted inthose areas. From the Song & Drama Division Hema hadmoved to Kathak Kendra but resigned as one of her friendssays “on grounds of certain principles”,thereafter played the vocalist’s role for many adancer. Haneefuddin’s two brothers are also intomusic — Samir, the elder one teaches in a schoolwhilst the younger one Nafis was just about to cut hisfirst disc when this tragedy struck. 153554b96e


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